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Success Stories




Eager to Learn More

I have spent 30 years working to heal and improve myself. In that time, I've tried most forms of therapy, medications, self- help books, podcasts, fitness pursuits, acting out, hobbies, and academic pursuits in order to seek inner peace. I have worked insanely hard to understand myself and the sources of my pain, but still felt something dark and unhealed. Because I grew tired of the depression cycles this causes, I reached out on social media to ask about ways to do shadow work, as I knew this is what I was struggling with. Tiffany graciously responded. This was three months ago.

We scheduled a time to meet virtually to discuss and conduct my induction. Going in, I had no clue what this induction would be, but I had an open mind because I needed a new solution badly. She answered all of my questions thoroughly, briefed me on what we would be doing, and walked me through my induction with a gentle kindness and patience. 

I now understand that kind and patient disposition so much better. After putting what she taught me into practice, I have a very different view of msyelf and other people. I have discovered a level of internal peace, pragmatism, and patience that I have never achieved before in my life. As I grow and practice more, I see the positive effects it has on my life. I am less affected by my emotions, sleep better, perform better at work, have more meaningful relationships with those important to me, and most importantly, have a more meaningful relationship with myself. Where I have always felt frustration with the continuous process of healing, I'm now optimistic and eager to continue learning more as part of the process. – J.J.


Many Connections

I was blessed to participate in two sessions with this amazing women.  We did a one on one session when I was really struggling with my life and my purpose.  She met with me and took the time to explain what the process was about, the rewards and the joy of the connection.  The biggest thing that stuck with me was she told me anyone can connect with this universal power. All humans have this connection but we have forgotten this. She calmly guided me thru the exercise and supported me as I struggled to make sense of the meanings and the feelings I was having.  

The second experience was in a group setting.  This was a amazing session as the energy in the room was palpable and thick.  A group of like minded women supported each other thru silence, words, dance and touch.  This was a safe place and that feeling was felt by all in the group.  Many tears were shed and we bonded on a spiritual level undeniably.  I struggled to connect, or what my mind perceived  as connection.  Tiffany spent time with me one on one, again helping me figure out my experience and my own connection.  This amazing women is a gift to all who get to experience being with her.  She is an enlightened guide for us to remind us of our innate natural connection that our ‘busyness’ pushes us to forget.  If you have ever been curious on channeling and connection there is no better soul to help you with your journey. - J.H. 


Can you feel it?

Tiffany answered my many questions throughly and thoughtfully prior to starting my first ever channeling session. She helped me feel calm and confident about the process. She gently guided myself snd my brother through the process resulting in more than I could have ever expected to gain from the session. I finished the session with new sense of lightness and greater understanding of the world around me. I now carry that understanding with me through every day. Learning this process has allowed me to live a life of greater ease and comfort. I had often felt a sense of yearning prior to meeting Tiffany. At times feeling disconnected, overwhelmed and uncertainty. Since practicing the channeling techniques shared with me by Tiffany I’ve discovered a new experience of being. If you feel a sense that there is more to this world than we know, i recommended connecting with Tiffany, as you are absolutely right, and Tiffany will share her light, knowledge snd knowing with you so you can lead a life of fulfilment, gratitude and connectivity.- J.V. 


Getting in the Zone

I first experienced Tiffany's introduction to channeling early this spring. The level of comfort and ease that she brings is beyond. She made me feel safe and helped me to understand the process. I have participated in multiple zoom workshops since the initial introduction. She is absolutely amazing, this has opened my mind and helped me to connect with divine. Listening to her calm soft direct voice in her  guided meditations help me to release the distractions of life and become in the zone. I highly recommend her, she is someone very special that I am so happy to hold close to my heart. -B.F. 


Tiffany is amazing!

Channeling one-on-one with Tiffany, using the Dira protocols for emotional and core belief releases, has been nothing short of miraculous. Peeling back the layers this way, to the most authentic and divine self,  produces huge energetic shifts, increased inner light, heart opening awareness, and a cosmic state of oneness. Her dedication to this work is truly inspiring !! - T.M. 


Your Testimonial Here

This could be where you write your testimonial about your experience channeling Divine.

Join any one of our retreats, open sessions, or book an individual session and have a story of your own. 


Divine is calling you. There is a part of you that has always known it.


From all walks of life, there are no exceptions, Divine is calling you back to them.  


Is it your time

to answer the call?

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